The CHARTER project office is located in Rovaniemi, Finland and is housed in the Arctic Centre, University of Lapland.
All emails to University of Lapland personnel are addressed as

[The project management handbook is on the EDUUNI site and on the Internal page of this website]
Project Management Personnel
Project leader: Research Professor Bruce Forbes.
Project coordinators: Sirpa Rasmus in collaboration with Leena Leppänen, Teresa Komu.
Web production & coordination: Philip Burgess.
Work Package Leaders
- Wp 1: Transitions In Land Cover, Biodiversity And Cryosphere At Decadal Time Scales. Work Package Leader: Dr. Annett Bartsch.
- Wp 2: Changing Grazing Regimes And Arctic Biodiversity At Local And Regional Scales. Work Package 2 Leader: Sari Stark.
- Wp 3: Socio-Economic Impacts Of Arctic Environmental Changes On Indigenous Populations And Local Communities. Work Package Leader: Prof. Otto Habeck
- Wp 4: Biodiversity Changes At Centennial Time Scales. Work Package Leader: Dr. Marc Macias-Fauria.
- Wp 5: Designing Futures Based On System-Wide Natural And Human Drivers. WP Leader: Dr. Heidrun Matthes.
- Wp 6: Policy Options For Biodiversity And Land Use To Increase Resilience Of Arctic Social-Ecological Systems. WP Leader: Assoc. Professor Jussi T. Eronen.
- Wp 7: Synthesis
Expert Advisory Group
The project has an Expert Advisory Group (EAG), with the following members. Queries to the EAG should be directed to Markku Heikkilä.
Markku Heikkilä (Arctic Centre, University of Lapland)
Inge Danielsen (Saami Reindeer Herders’ Association, Norway)
Niklas Labba (Saarivuoma sameby, Sweden/Norway)
Annette Löf (Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden)
Lotta Manninen (Ministry of the Environment, Finland)
Tapani Sirviö (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland)
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