Report on “Arctic biodiversity, climate and food security” in Brussels, with webstream and photos

Report by Julien Lebel (Senior researcher at Nordland Research Institute, Norway) CHARTER, ECOTIP and FACE-IT, three EU-funded projects that are researching on biodiversity in relation to ice loss in the Arctic, organized jointly with the EU Polar Cluster a policy briefing in Brussels on 15 March 2023. The meeting was entitled “Arctic biodiversity, climate and food security” and constituted a useful opportunity

Download our CHARTER Exhibit Posters

Last week, the CHARTER team along with our sister Horizon2020 biodiversity projects FACE-IT and ECOTIP held an Arctic Policy Briefing in in Brussels, as guests of the EU Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (RTD) in Brussels. We will be posting news, photos and presentations from this event presently. In the meantime, you can view and download two CHARTER posters. The

When Rain Fell in Winter, A First Person Account

A decade ago, heavy winter rains washed over the Yamal Peninsula in Northwest Russia, killing 60,000 reindeer and ruining livelihoods. Philip Burgess and Irina Wang have created a StoryMap that tells the story of Tokcha Khudi. Tokcha is a Nenets reindeer herder who, along with his family, has herded reindeer across the tundra of the Yamal peninsula his entire life

Arctic Biodiversity, Climate and Food Security. Register Now!

The three EU-funded projects CHARTER, FACE-IT and ECOTIP are researching on biodiversity in relation to ice loss in the Arctic. Jointly with the EU Polar Cluster, these projects are organizing a policy briefing entitled “Arctic biodiversity, climate and food security”, on 15 March 2023 (2:00-4:00 pm) in Brussels in the library of the ORBN building (Square Frère-Orban 8, 1040 – Etterbeek). This policy briefing will also be web

CHARTER Participates in Journalist Training Course in Inari, Finland

The CHARTER project will have a visible role in journalist training course in Inari, Finland, 13th-14th March. The event is organized together with the Finnish Ministry of Environment and the Arctic Centre at the University of Lapland and the participants, about 20 in total, are mainly members of Finnish associations for science journalists and environment journalists. The themes of the training

New CHARTER Working Papers Published

Towards the end of last year, the CHARTER project, in collaboration with a number of other projects (POVAUS, CLIMINI and POMURI) organised a workshop in Inari in connection with the Reindeer and Fish Science Days (Poro- ja kalapäivät). The objective of the interactive workshop was to examine and discuss the current state and future developments of reindeer husbandry and how

New CHARTER publication on ‘Rain-on-Snow’ events

We are excited to let you know about an important new CHARTER publication which has just been released. Published in the journal The Cryosphere, the article is lead authored by Annett Bartsch, who is the leader of Work Package 1 is titled: Towards long-term records of rain-on-snow events across the Arctic from satellite data. The article has input from many


CHARTER, FACE-IT and ECOTIP, the three Horizon 2020 projects working on Arctic biodiversity and ice loss are conducting a policy briefing on 15 March 2023, 2 pm, in Brussels. We will be joined by the EU Polar Cluster both during organization and on-site. The event is open to EU Arctic policymakers in the European Commission, its various departments and agencies, European members of

Ecosystem Effects of Reindeer: new CHARTER Publication

A new CHARTER publication has just been published. Titled ‘The ecosystem effects of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in northern Fennoscandia: Past, present and future’, the paper is lead authored by Sari Stark and has input from multiple other CHARTER project researchers. Significant highlights include: From the abstract: The semi-domesticated nature of the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) makes it a distinct case among