CHARTER Poster Exhibit – All Now Available for Download

The CHARTER project is winding down, but we are still busy! Our final meeting wrapped up a few weeks ago, and during it, a large format poster exhibit that outlined the goals, field work and results from the CHARTER project over the last 4 years was formally opened. The exhibit is now hanging in the

New CHARTER StoryMap on Drones ‘Launched’

Drones have come to play a critical role in science. At times it seems that drones are ubiquitous, buzzing in the sky. Some tourist destinations are now adding “No Drones” signs. They are increasingly being used as machines of war. However, much of the development of drone technology and use has been by hobbyists and

CHARTER work featured in CNN article

Excellent article in CNN published a few days ago that featured the challenges that Sámi reindeer herders in the Gran Sameby are experiencing due to loss of pastures and encroachment, issues that are not only limited to their district but are shared reindeer herders across the entire reindeer herding in Fennoscandi. Written by a journalist

CHARTER at the European Polar Science Week

Last week, several CHARTER project researchers attended the European Polar Science week in Copenhagen organised by the European Commission and the European Space Agency. CHARTER findings and results were presented by Mariana García Criado in a well attended session that also had presentations by the sister projects that dealt with Arctic biodiversity FACE-IT and ECOTIP.

Last CHARTER Workshop, a New Herding Game!

(by Sirpa Rasmus & Tim Horstkotte) In connection to the “Reindeer and fish research days” in Ylläs, northern Finland, organized by Natural Resources Institute, CHARTER organized one of its last participatory workshops. After several ones had been held in three countries, Finland, Norway and Sweden, a joint event was planned to bring together herders and

How to Envision Positive Arctic Futures?

The 3rd World Biodiversity Forum in Davos, Switzerland, recently wrapped up and was attended by around 800 participants. The event covered diverse topics and discussions on the future of biodiversity, emphasising marine conservation, freshwater biodiversity, and climate change impacts. And there was an Arctic focussed event this time around thanks to an intensive organising stint by CHARTER

Article in Yale Environment 360 on ‘Rain on Snow’

Excellent overview article by Ed Struzik on the phenomena known as ‘Rain on Snow’ in the Yale Environment360 and the AGU EOS online magazines. The article features an interview with the project leader of the Arctic Rain on Snow Study (AROSS), a project which shares several researchers and themes with the CHARTER project. CHARTER folks

Hva får myndighetene vite om Arktis?

* Artikkel av Helge M. Markusson, Framsenter i Tromsø – I et raskt skiftende miljø er arktiske samfunn og deres levebrød sårbare, sier Hans Tømmervik. Han er forsker i NINA – Norsk institutt for naturforskning.  – Disse samfunnene har også potensial til å gi et stort bidrag til å dempe klimaendringer og stanse tap av