New CHARTER publication on ‘Rain-on-Snow’ events

We are excited to let you know about an important new CHARTER publication which has just been released. Published in the journal The Cryosphere, the article is lead authored by Annett Bartsch, who is the leader of Work Package 1 is titled: Towards long-term records of rain-on-snow events across the Arctic from satellite data. The article has input from many


CHARTER, FACE-IT and ECOTIP, the three Horizon 2020 projects working on Arctic biodiversity and ice loss are conducting a policy briefing on 15 March 2023, 2 pm, in Brussels. We will be joined by the EU Polar Cluster both during organization and on-site. The event is open to EU Arctic policymakers in the European Commission, its various departments and agencies, European members of

Ecosystem Effects of Reindeer: new CHARTER Publication

A new CHARTER publication has just been published. Titled ‘The ecosystem effects of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in northern Fennoscandia: Past, present and future’, the paper is lead authored by Sari Stark and has input from multiple other CHARTER project researchers. Significant highlights include: From the abstract: The semi-domesticated nature of the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) makes it a distinct case among

Save The Date! Initiating A Policy Dialogue On Changing Arctic Biodiversity And The Societal Implications

The three Horizon 2020 projects ECOTIP, CHARTER and FACE-IT, together with the EU Polar Cluster, warmly invite you to attend a joint event in Brussels during the afternoon of Wednesday March 15th, 2023.   This will also be a hybrid event if you are unable to join in person.  What is this event about and why are we holding it?

Vegetation Regulates Energy Exchange in the Arctic – New publication with CHARTER input

Global warming is changing the Arctic by causing permafrost thaw, glacier melt, droughts, fires and changes in vegetation. These developments are strongly linked to the energy exchange between land and the atmosphere. Researchers at the University of Zurich have now shown that different plant communities in the tundra play a key role in this energy exchange but are not taken

Pic> Judith Winkler

Introducing Dr. Mariana García Criado – new CHARTER researcher

Dr. Mariana García Criado has had a northward trajectory since she finished her studies in the south of Spain. From there followed a Masters degree in the UK, followed by a 4-year stint at the IUCN in Brussels, where among other tasks became a Red List certified trainer with expertise on the assessment of species’ extinction risk. After, this she

Using Artificial Intelligence to Count Lichens from Space..

Normally when one hears the term ‘artificial intelligence’, or deep neural networks, one might think of the technology giants and their ability to crunch immense amounts of data through our personal browsing habits so that they can build profiles of us in order to shill more content and product our way. But artificial intelligence (AI) is a multi-faceted hydra, one

New CHARTER team members, Summer is Calling

In Finland, where the CHARTER project office is based, we get started on summer pretty early. Winter is long, so you can hardly blame us! Come early August, when most of the rest of Europe is in full summer mode, many folks here are already gearing back up in work and schools are underway. Long way of saying that we

Springing into CHARTER fieldwork & new publication

Longer daylight hours and milder temperatures means optimal snow covered fieldwork time. A number of CHARTER project reseachers are undertaking fieldwork periods this week. Temperatures are mild at this time of year in northern Scandinavia, currently in the -8 to +2 degrees range during the day and -15 to -8 overnight. The melting and refreezing of the snow surface makes