Award for CHARTER supported publication and new paper published

Every year, the Editors of Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research select an article from the previous year’s issue for the Editors’ Choice Award. The award recognizes an influential paper demonstrating research excellence contributing substantially to our understanding of physical and environmental science in cold environments. We are thrilled to post that the academic article “Socioecological

CHARTER: New Circumarctic Data

Annett Bartsch and others have just published an updated Circumarctic Landcover Units map. It now also includes Northern Scandinavia and Southern Greenland and many other areas have been reprocessed, representing an important addition to circumarctic remote sensing data. You can access and download all the data on the open source Zenodo platform here It includes

CHARTER work featured in CNN article

Excellent article in CNN published a few days ago that featured the challenges that Sámi reindeer herders in the Gran Sameby are experiencing due to loss of pastures and encroachment, issues that are not only limited to their district but are shared reindeer herders across the entire reindeer herding in Fennoscandi. Written by a journalist

The Arctic Plant Aboveground Biomass Synthesis Dataset – New Publication

This publication, led by Logan T Berner came out a few months ago and has input from several CHARTER project participants including – from the abstract: Plant biomass is a fundamental ecosystem attribute that is sensitive to rapid climatic changes occurring in the arctic. Nevertheless, measuring plant biomass in the arctic is logistically challenging and resource

Comparing Jokkmokk and Savukoski through an environmental stressor lens

A new peer reviewed CHARTER publication has dropped – titled “Perceptions on and impacts of environmental changes under multiple stressors: a case study from two communities in northern Fennoscandia”. Salla Eilola of University of Turku is the lead author, with six co authors, all of whom are affiliated with the CHARTER project. The article looks

Meet the Nexus: New CHARTER Publication

The CHARTER project is entering its final year and concluding publications are beginning to roll out. An important new one led by Sirpa Rasmus, supported by a large number of CHARTER affiliated researchers has just been published in the One Earth journal. With the snappy title of ‘Policy documents considering biodiversity, land use, and climate

Critical Seasons for Reindeer Herders – New CHARTER publication

Ten CHARTER researchers led by the Nenets scholar Roza Laptander new article has just been published. Titled ‘Critical seasonal conditions in the reindeer-herding year: A synopsis of factors and events in Fennoscandia and northwestern Russia’, the authors explore key aspects of the yearly reindeer herding cycle as perceived by reindeer herders in Fennoscandia and northwestern

Arctic Holocene Biodiversity Map Now Live!

A major CHARTER project deliverable is now live! The Arctic Holocene Biodiversity Database (AHBD) is an evolving metadata database of time-series biodiversity metrics covering the last 11,750 years in the Arctic region. T The academic underpinnings of the map were outlined in a 2022 CHARTER publication (What evidence exists for temporal variability in Arctic terrestrial