CHARTER work featured in CNN article

Excellent article in CNN published a few days ago that featured the challenges that Sámi reindeer herders in the Gran Sameby are experiencing due to loss of pastures and encroachment, issues that are not only limited to their district but are shared reindeer herders across the entire reindeer herding in Fennoscandi.

Written by a journalist (Neill Lewis) who clearly spent some time with herding families in the district it was also great to see some CHARTER supported research featuring in the article!

The article linked over to the 2023 published academic article titled Top-Down Regulation by a Reindeer Herding System Limits Climate-Driven Arctic Vegetation Change at a Regional Scale, lead authored by Marcus Spiegel, with input from Marc Macias Fauria, Bruce Forbes and others.

Read the full article (fine photos also) here.