Award for CHARTER supported publication and new paper published

Every year, the Editors of Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research select an article from the previous year’s issue for the Editors’ Choice Award. The award recognizes an influential paper demonstrating research excellence contributing substantially to our understanding of physical and environmental science in cold environments. We are thrilled to post that the academic article “Socioecological

Arctic future pathways – CHARTER policy event held in Helsinki

As its last policy event, CHARTER organized an ‘Arctic afternoon’ in Helsinki, on 8.1.2025. This was planned and carried out as a collaboration between WPs 6 and 7 – University of Lapland researchers and science communication, and researchers from universities of Helsinki and Jyväskylä. The event was targeted to decision makers and others working on

Our Last Newsletter!

The end of the CHARTER project approaches. It has been a ride, navigating the impacts of a pandemic and war, the ramifications of which are still rumbling. CHARTER’s rumbling however will finish up early next year but our new data, publications and outputs will long outlive the project. As will the many connections and networks

CHARTER: New Circumarctic Data

Annett Bartsch and others have just published an updated Circumarctic Landcover Units map. It now also includes Northern Scandinavia and Southern Greenland and many other areas have been reprocessed, representing an important addition to circumarctic remote sensing data. You can access and download all the data on the open source Zenodo platform here It includes