Meet the Nexus: New CHARTER Publication

The CHARTER project is entering its final year and concluding publications are beginning to roll out. An important new one led by Sirpa Rasmus, supported by a large number of CHARTER affiliated researchers has just been published in the One Earth journal. With the snappy title of ‘Policy documents considering biodiversity, land use, and climate in the European Arctic reveal

Arctic Biodiversity, Climate and Food Security. Register Now!

The three EU-funded projects CHARTER, FACE-IT and ECOTIP are researching on biodiversity in relation to ice loss in the Arctic. Jointly with the EU Polar Cluster, these projects are organizing a policy briefing entitled “Arctic biodiversity, climate and food security”, on 15 March 2023 (2:00-4:00 pm) in Brussels in the library of the ORBN building (Square Frère-Orban 8, 1040 – Etterbeek). This policy briefing will also be web