New CHARTER Working Papers Published

Towards the end of last year, the CHARTER project, in collaboration with a number of other projects (POVAUS, CLIMINI and POMURI) organised a workshop in Inari in connection with the Reindeer and Fish Science Days (Poro- ja kalapäivät). The objective of the interactive workshop was to examine and discuss the current state and future developments

New CHARTER team members, Summer is Calling

In Finland, where the CHARTER project office is based, we get started on summer pretty early. Winter is long, so you can hardly blame us! Come early August, when most of the rest of Europe is in full summer mode, many folks here are already gearing back up in work and schools are underway. Long

Springing into CHARTER fieldwork & new publication

Longer daylight hours and milder temperatures means optimal snow covered fieldwork time. A number of CHARTER project reseachers are undertaking fieldwork periods this week. Temperatures are mild at this time of year in northern Scandinavia, currently in the -8 to +2 degrees range during the day and -15 to -8 overnight. The melting and refreezing

Simo Sarkki – New CHARTER team member

In good CHARTER news, we are delighted to welcome Simo Sarkki to the project team. Simo has a PhD in anthropology and holds docentship on “anthropology of environmental governance” at the University of Oulu, Finland.  Sarkki’s research interests include science-policy interfaces, land use in northern areas, scenarios, participatory approaches, and multi-level governance under the broader theme

Bringing Citizen Science & Snow to the Classroom

Under gorgeous spring skies by the banks of the Ounasjoki river last Friday, CHARTER Arctic researchers Sirpa Rasmus and Leena Leppänen brought their snow science to the next generation of researchers. With the participation of the Grade 5 students from the Rovaniemi Steiner school students and their teacher, the principles of snow structure, snow pack,

Tutkijat toivovat kansalaisilta lumihavaintoja

Lumen päälle satava vesi ja lumipeitteen jääkerrokset ovat CHARTER- hankkeessa erityisen kiinnostuksen kohteena. Jäiset kerrokset vaikuttavat kasvien talvehtimisoloihin ja vaikeuttavat eläinten kaivautumista lumen läpi. Tällä on merkitystä myös pohjoisen elinkeinoille, muun muassa poronhoidolle. Lumipeitteen kerrosrakenne ja jääkerrokset havaitaan paikan päällä tehtävien lumikuoppien avulla. Näitä havaintoja hyödyntävät satelliittiavusteisten lumihavaintojen kehittäjät sekä lumi- ja ilmastomallinnuksen tekijät. Havaintoaineistoa

New CHARTER publication

An article has recently been published with substantial CHARTER researcher input. Published in the journal ‘Environmental Research Letters it is titled Arctic rain on snow events: bridging observations to understand environmental and livelihood impacts, the lead author is Marc Serreze of the National Snow and Ice Center, Uni of Colorado. CHARTER researchers involved include  Julienne

Arctic Café held in Rovaniemi

Three Horizon2020 projects in a common Rovaniemi event by Markku Heikkilä. CHARTER was one of the three new EU Horizon 2020 projects on stage during a Arctic Café discussion event in Rovaniemi on 25thNovember. The event was organized together with the Arctic Centre and Horizon2020 projects CHARTER, JustNorth and ArcticHubs. All three projects have a