Award for CHARTER supported publication and new paper published

Every year, the Editors of Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research select an article from the previous year’s issue for the Editors’ Choice Award. The award recognizes an influential paper demonstrating research excellence contributing substantially to our understanding of physical and environmental science in cold environments. We are thrilled to post that the academic article “Socioecological dynamics of diverse global permafrost-agroecosystems

New CHARTER publication

An important new publication with substantial input from CHARTER researchers has landed which is a pilot study on the reindeer impact on soil carbon storage which revealed that animal impacts are very different for permafrost and non-permafrost areas but that they facilitate more productive vegetation. Titled ‘Impacts of Reindeer on Soil Carbon Storage in the Seasonally Frozen Ground of Northern

Palsa Mires: Often Seen, Little Understood, Under Threat

A long term study on multiple Palsa mires in northwest Finland by a team based out of the University of Eastern Finland has resulted in a new publication by Mariana Verdonen with others, supported by the LANDMOD and CHARTER projects. The paper notes that the outlook for Palsa mires is bleak. From their press release, At the observation sites, palsa

Springing into CHARTER fieldwork & new publication

Longer daylight hours and milder temperatures means optimal snow covered fieldwork time. A number of CHARTER project reseachers are undertaking fieldwork periods this week. Temperatures are mild at this time of year in northern Scandinavia, currently in the -8 to +2 degrees range during the day and -15 to -8 overnight. The melting and refreezing of the snow surface makes

CHARTER Arctic fieldwork takes some tentative steps

Late spring and summer is normally a busy time for fieldwork in the Arctic. The conditions are more amenable, work routines allow for extended periods away from teaching and administrative duties and the fieldwork season is one which many eagerly look forward to – a chance to leave the office, get out in the field and spend time with colleagues

Timo Kumpula fieldwork in Näkkälä

CHARTER project news round up

Although international travel and fieldwork is more or less off the table due to COVID-19 restrictions, there are some in-country exceptions. Professor Timo Kumpula (CHARTER Work Package 1) and CHARTER project leader Bruce Forbes, were able to do some maintenance on a long term met-albedo station located on the border of Norway and Finland in Enontekio. The station is inside