New CHARTER videos and more local languages

Although much of our work has moved to a virtual space, what seems ordinary now (almost exclusively working virtually) would have been largely unthinkable a year ago. All future CHARTER project meetings will continue to be online for the forseeable, and discussions around the summer field work season are underway, and plans vary widely depending

CHARTER – New Video Interviews Online

While the continued travel restrictions have limited our abilities to meet, connect and plan in person, the CHARTER project has continued apace virtually. We have added new video interviews with our team to the video gallery, notably Work Package 6 leader Professor Jussi Eronen of the University of Helsinki and one of our (many) new

Picture of researchers and Nenets herders on the Yamal tundra

CHARTER Kick Off Tomorrow: Hear from the Project Leader!

The EU funded CHARTER (Drivers and Feedbacks of Changes in Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity) will hold our kick off meeting tomorrow (October 6-8). While all of us were greatly looking forward to gathering and brainstorming together, as in-person communication is so valuable for science, creativity and new thinking, these extraordinary times require adaptation and new approaches and due the