When Rain Fell in Winter, A First Person Account

A decade ago, heavy winter rains washed over the Yamal Peninsula in Northwest Russia, killing 60,000 reindeer and ruining livelihoods. Philip Burgess and Irina Wang have created a StoryMap that tells the story of Tokcha Khudi. Tokcha is a Nenets reindeer herder who, along with his family, has herded reindeer across the tundra of the Yamal peninsula his entire life

Arctic plants engineer their own environments: new CHARTER paper

CHARTER post-doc Andrew Martin (Andrew is in Work Package 4, see a video interview with him here) of the University of Oxford has recently published a paper in which he was the lead author (along with Work Package 4 leader Marc Macias-Fauria and CHARTER project leader Bruce Forbes, among others) in the journal, New Phytologist (read full article here, open

EU funded CHARTER project starts up

Prof. Bruce Forbes to coordinate a major international project 27.4.2020 13:15 Advancing adaptive capacity of Arctic communities. This is the aim for CHARTER, a new EU Horizon 2020 funded project, coordinated by Professor Bruce Forbes of Arctic Centre. The European Commission has just signed the papers and work can begin. CHARTER (Drivers and feedbacks of changes in Arctic terrestrial biodiversity)